For many companies, this will be the first full-on office party season since 2019. If you are one of the many who have been brushing up on office party etiquette you will have noticed how long the list of don’ts is and how scant the list of do’s is. Life is too short to live by some stiff partying rules written by ancient grey people who think that it is women’s responsibility to protect men (and, admittedly these days, also women) from their own worst impulses.
Stylish clothes that are elegant and sexy and are intended to attract attention and admiration from others. Shop this collection at Lunathi now.
For many companies, this will be the first full-on office party season since 2019. If you are one of the many who have been brushing up on office party etiquette you will have noticed how long the list of don’ts is and how scant the list of do’s is. Life is too short to live by some stiff partying rules written by ancient grey people who think that it is women’s responsibility to protect men (and, admittedly these days, also women) from their own worst impulses.
Here, at Lunathi, we have told _all_ our staff to come dressed to slay this year. After all, the next pandemic could be around the corner, and you may well rue the lost opportunity to let your hair down and be who you really are (or secretly want to be) at a function where the company is literally paying for everything.
Let’s start by crossing out as many don’ts as possible from our list (and turning a few of them into do’s)

Like we said… the list of don’ts keeps going on forever. Here at Lunathi, staff are encouraged to do all the above. Bring a mate or a plus-one (just one, unfortunately) so that you can finally point out Dean, the computer technician you have been crushing on all year long. It’s okay to snicker about the boss’s wardrobe faux-pas – he should have read the memo which stated that he should arrive dressed to slay.
Lunathi prides itself in being fashion forward… empowering to those who dare to stand out from the ordinary conformity of life. We offer our customers the ability to build their individualism and wardrobe signature style at an affordable price.

At Lunathi, many of our staff live the Lunathi brand… and we respect them for who they are and are grateful that they bring their A-Game – their real selves – to work every day. So, we all know that Fikile will come to work on Fridays, already dressed to party after work in the skankiest of barely there outfits – we know that she will be slaying “bigly” at the office party. We also know that Simon, who comes to work every day in his Sunday best, will be sipping Whiskey in a corner with all the other grey suits until about 10 pm. Then he will transform into a crazed party animal that he seems to uncage only once a year after he has consumed large quantities of free alcohol. Marietjie will politely attend the first hour or so of the party, but we all know that she will make up some excuse to leave immediately after the speeches and before the real partying begins – but, we are grateful that she makes the effort.
So, if you are going to be slaying this office party season, Lunathi has you covered… whatever your style… whatever your fancy. From elegant body-conturing bandage dresses, to sexy ready-to-paint-the-town-red outfits. From extra small shaping pieces, to plus-size contouring pieces, and everything in between.

Don’t hold back at the office party this year… dress to slay and let the real you come out from the shadows. The entire office will still be talking about your outfit in July 2023.